Channahon is currently growing at a rate of 2. Skip to Main Content. Website: Call: 815-255-8144. To take. 2. Highest salary at Village of Channahon in year 2022 was $142,458. The Village of Channahon has contracted with Environmental Recycling & Disposal for refuse and recycling pickup services. Agendas & Minutes. m. The population was 13,706 at the 2020 census. FREE Facility Assessment. He is a Licensed Professional. We use this newsletter as a way to more effectively communicate with our residents. Skip to Main Content. Enforces the Village Code. Patch has your complete guide to Independence Day fireworks shows, parades and other celebrations in and around Channahon and Minooka. Please join us at Village Hall for our annual Memorial Day Service, honoring the sacrifices made by those who have served our country. 07 Fees. Served by Interstates 80 and 55, with interchanges at Interstate 80 and. Powers & Duties. The Channahon Police Department is a state-accredited organization dedicated to the community in striving to build and maintain the greatest level of trust and confidence of our citizens. administers the application process for the Village of Channahon Police Department, and the Village of Channahon Police Department…. Sign up for alerts. Navajo Drive Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-6644 Fax: 815-467-9774 Staff Directory; Quick Links. Channahon West (customers west of Interstate 55) is 18 to 20 grains per gallon. 1:2020cv03294 - Document 62 (N. For any questions regarding permitting, please contact the police department at 815-467-5152. Navajo Drive Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-6644 Fax: 815-467-9774 Staff Directory; Quick Links. Please call 815-467-6644 with any questions. ,, No. The Village provides a range of services including administration, police protection, finance, development, code enforcement, construction and maintenance of streets and infrastructure, as well as water and wastewater treatment. Phone: 815-467-6644. on Monday, October 31! 👻🎃🦇 ⇐ Previous Houbolt Road Closure Begins 10/24 Next ⇒ Street Sweeping to Begin Oct. at Village Hall (24555 S. Currently, the Village Hall lobby is not open to the public. Memorial Tree Walk. 4 square miles situated at the confluence of the Des Plaines, DuPage, and Kankakee Rivers in northern Will County and eastern Grundy County. View Full Report Card. It is the intent of this district to provide. Channahon, Illinois 60410. Garbage & Recycling. Loading. S. The commercial or industrial occupancy permit is valid only with respect to the occupant to whom it was issued. We use this newsletter as a way to more effectively communicate with our residents. Village of Channahon 24555 S. the Channahon Village Board will conduct a Special Board Meeting at the Channahon Village Hall, 24555 S. (A) A certain document, three copies of which are on file in the Office of the Village Clerk being marked and designated as “The 2021 International Building Code”, as published by International Code Council, and as heretofore or hereafter amended, be and is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the Village of Channahon in the State of Illinois; for the. Navajo Drive, Channahon, IL 60410,. Monday, May 29, 2023 at 9:00am. Agendas & Minutes. The mission of the Utilities Division of the Department of Public Works is to deliver safe and pleasing potable water to the residents of the Village of Channahon and to treat its wastewater to minimize environmental impact and maintain sanitary living conditions. The population was 13,706 at the 2020 census . Loading. Diversity. low-density residential areas of the village plus certain open areas where similar residential development appears likely to occur. Seating will be available, and the. Fax: 815-467-9774. CHANNAHON PARK DISTRICT 24856 W Eames Street Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-PARK (7275) Fax: 815-467-5677 Email Us or Email Board of Commissioners IAPD/IPRA Distinguished Accredited Agency NRPA National Gold Medal Grand AwardThe Village of Channahon is hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 from 10 a. Will/Grundy County Early Voting Information; County: Location: Dates/Times: Will County: Village of Channahon 24555 S. Job Opportunities. Location: 25355 Center Street, Channahon, IL 60410 Hours of operation: Saturday's 8AM to 2PM (year round) and Wednesday's 3PM-7PM (April-October) Electronics Recycling. 121 E McEvilly Rd, Minooka, IL 60447. To check your address for your specific pickup day, please visit Environmental’s website. Families of Faith Church. Please take notice that on Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 6:00 p. Memorial Tree Walk. The current village president is Joe Cook. The Statement of Qualifications shall be submitted no later than 3:00 PM on November 22, 2022. Home BusinessesMarketing is the key to this. The creation of this electric vehicle. and 1:30-4:30 p. to 5:00 p. m. Loading. Navajo Drive Channahon, IL 60410. Water: Sewer: $5. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Location & Maps. The report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high. Navajo DriveChannahon, IL 60410Phone: 815-467-6644Fax: 815-467-9774Staff Directory. village of channahon 24555 s navajo drive channahon, il 60410 | phone: 815-467-6644 fax: 815-467-9774 hoa approval site or plot plan show all existing and proposed structures (house, shed, pool, fence etc. Georgi Presecky, Patch Staff. In 2011, the Village of Channahon opened the Memorial Tree Walk to provide an opportunity to memorialize family and friends by planting a tree in their memory. Channahon, IL. We use this newsletter as a way to more effectively communicate with our residents. Location. m. Job Opportunities. Powers & Duties. Here is Channahon Community Development and Information Systems Director Mike Petrick. Emergency Phone: 911. To view the RFP in full, including details on how to submit questions and proposal deadlines, please click here (link) . This town is very safe and has an extremely low crime rate, as well as an amazing police and fire department who have a quick response time in case of an emergency. Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-6644 Fax: 815-467-9774 Staff Directory; Quick Links. Petrick earned a bachelor’s degree (B. Read on. Website Sign InIn the event of inclement weather movies may be rescheduled, updates will be provided on Channahon Park District social media. The reports contain data on water quality monitoring during the year 2022. , Edward. ⇐ Previous Discover Unclaimed Property and Assets with ICash at Village Hall 4/25 Next ⇒ Environmental Recycling & Disposal to Begin Street Sweeping 4/25/22Make checks payable to: VILLAGE OF CHANNAHON Mail report and checks to: Finance Department 24555 S. Due to the increasing number of COVID-19 infections in our region, the Village of Channahon is permitting, but discouraging, public attendance at Village meetings. IL; Channahon; Channahon, Illinois Code of Ordinances § 156. S. Access the most request services and information from the Village. Sam Greco. Ann’s Roman Catholic Church. 24555 S Navajo Drive. They include details about where the water comes from, what it contains, and how it. The Village Board meets as a Committee of the Whole prior to each Village Board meeting to discuss agenda items and other issues as needed. Garbage & Recycling. Manage all your bills, get payment due date reminders and schedule automatic payments from a single app. This month's newsletter includes a recap of our fabulous 2022 Channaholidays event, as. Odor. Boards & Commissions. With COVID-19 cases in our region continuing to rise and in order to do our part to limit the exposure of both our employees and our residents and the spread of the virus, Village Hall will be temporarily closed to the public beginning November 16, 2020. The Village e-Newsletter, Discover Channahon, is a monthly newsletter that is published on the Village website, sent out on our "Notify Me" and posted on social media. Keep Informed. The January 2023 Discover Channahon newsletter is now live!. Navajo Drive). Pickup Days. The Channahon Village Board this week approved a final plat and site plan for the project. Select One: *. This tag is to be renewed annually. Mark your calendars: the Spring Village Garage Sales will take place on May 4, 5 & 6! Skip to Main Content. m. Contact the Channahon Village Hall. 5,384 likes · 38 talking about this · 1,036 were here. Phone: 815-467-5152. at Village Hall (24555 S. Job Opportunities. state of Illinois. Job Opportunities. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Village of Channahon is permitting, but discouraging, public attendance at Village meetings. Loading. The Village of Channahon is hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, December 28 from 10 a. Review information about the Municipal Code for Channahon. What should I do if I found or lost a pet? If lost, call Channahon Police Department at 815-467-2123 during business hours, or call 815-467-2112 after business hours. Payments are deducted from a designated checking account on or around the 28th of every month. The Village of Channahon is not licensed to handle wild animals. The Village of Channahon desires commissioners to have a wide-ranging background of experience and career focus as well as geographic distribution throughout Channahon. Allow persons with disabilities to vote in their cars. The Village e-newsletter, Discover Channahon, is a monthly newsletter that is published on the Village website, sent out on our "Notify Me" and posted on social media. Website Sign In156. m. For more information, please contact Village Hall at 815-467-6644. The Village of Channahon is hosting a Blood Drive on Tuesday, December 28 from 10 a. 25355 Center Street Channahon, IL 60410. Petitions and election materials will be available for circulation on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at the Village of Channahon, 24555 S. S. We use this newsletter as a way to more effectively communicate with our residents. We use this newsletter as a way to more effectively communicate with our residents. Village of Channahon 24555 S. The township of Channahon is located in the southwest part of the county bordering on Grundy county and is known on the map of the county as town 34, range 9 east of the third principal meridian. org (link). Click Here to sign up for Vote By Mail and Early Voting lists. CHANNAHON PARK DISTRICT 24856 W Eames Street Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-PARK (7275) Fax:. 41) is granted. Please call the Village Hall at 815-467-6644 for current rates. Posted Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 9:. Patricia Perniar. Skip to Main Content. ⇐ Previous I-80 Extended Weekend Closures in Joliet Next ⇒ Hydrant Flushing Beginning in September. The Village would appreciate your patience if crack filling work takes place in your area. Link: Police Department PagePlease note that Village Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday, November 25 in observance of Thanksgiving. to 1:30 p. Spray patching consists of a mixture of emulsified asphalt and aggregate to repair potholes and cracking pavement, extending the life of the roadway. Garbage & Recycling. Skip to Main Content. Join our staff for a fun workout and continue your commitment to be fit. (a) Stormwater system design and detention shall be in accordance with the Village of Channahon Storm Water Detention Ordinance No. Board Meeting starts at 6:30 p. doxo is the simple, protected way to pay your bills with a single account and accomplish your financial goals. Village of Channahon 24555 S. The Channahon Community Board provides information via Channel 6 on Comcast television service regarding events throughout the community. Channahon Municipal Center. Location: Channahon Township Highway Department. Geography) from Eastern Illinois University in 2002, and a Masters of Business Administration from Lewis University in 2012. Loading. Navajo Drive). 5,384 likes · 38 talking about this · 1,036 were here. Navajo Drive Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-6644 Fax: 815-467-9774 Staff Directory; Quick Links. Annotations OffFollow ChangesShare Download Bookmark Print. 156. (WLS) -- Lion Electric's new plant making all-electric vehicles like trucks and school buses opened Friday in southwest suburban Channahon. State Attorney. Channahon, IL 60410 Phone: 815-467-6644 Fax: 815-467-9774 Staff Directory; Quick Links. The Village of Channahon invites you to attend one of two upcoming informational forums regarding the future source of the Village's public drinking water supply. 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. The Village of Channahon Tree Board is an all-volunteer advisory board appointed by the Village Board. " (Image via Google Maps ) CHANNAHON, IL — Two-term mayor of Channahon Missey Moorman Schumacher appeared poised to win a third term in office as she came. The Tree Board was formed in 1996. The Comprehensive Plan contains a set of policies that direct future growth and development. Channahon, IL 60410 (815) 467-6644 channahon.